The term Halal is generally associated with meat or food. It indicates that meat is from an animal that has been slaughtered in Muslim way. It also indicates that a substance contains no pork products.
Halal simply means permissible or lawful. The term equally applies to income or wealth whether it is halal or non halal. Any income derived from breaking the law of land, by dishonesty, by paying unfair wages, using unfair means, bribery, gambling is not halal. So is income derived from sale or distribution of substances or activities that are prohibited by Islam such as pork products, Alcohol, can ibis, drugs, dope etc.
One is entitled to enjoy an income or wealth obtained by halal means. But its display and boasting is not halal. One should enjoy wealth with humility.
Islam requires that object or goal one wants to achieve is halal and means to achieve that object or goal are also halal. The famous quote of Shakespeare that "all is well that ends well" has to meet the criteria described above.
I have given a condense version. Khaliq (Jan 2018)..
I have given a condense version. Khaliq (Jan 2018)..