Maulana Jalal Uddin Rumi was born in Balkh, Afghanistan in 1207. He died in 1273 at the age of 66 and is buried in Konya in Turkey. He was a great admirer of Al Ghazali who died in 1111 about 100 years before the birth of Rumi. Below is a selectin from Masnavi of Rumi a translation done in 6 volumes by Professor R. A Nicholson of Cambridge University during 1922 and 1940.
Sometimes the action of God appears like this, sometimes the contrary;
(true) religion is nothing but bewilderment. (I mean) not one bewildered
in such wise that his back is turned on Him; nay, but one bewildered
and drowned and drunken with the Beloved.
(true) religion is nothing but bewilderment. (I mean) not one bewildered
in such wise that his back is turned on Him; nay, but one bewildered
and drowned and drunken with the Beloved.