Abbasid rule began in 750 and ended when sacked by Mongols in 1258. Abbasids moved the Capital from
Damascus to Baghdad and it grew to a population of about 2 million under
their rule. Most of the caliphs were enlightened, valued scholarship and spend heavily on
the institutions of learning and education. It is estimated
that their expenditure on education in relation to their revenue was much higher than
the governments of the most advanced countries spend on education
today. This was a major factor that led to the golden age(8th to 13th century).
Below is a link to a discussion on Abbasid Caliphate on a BBC rodio 4 on program called "In Our Times". v=CoAzjRSqBN0&t=589s
Below is a link to a discussion on Abbasid Caliphate on a BBC rodio 4 on program called "In Our Times".