that I have found useful in preparing material for my blog. I hope it
will assist others to access information. It is a good practice to
consult more than one reliable source.The sources are;
Oxford encyclopedia of Islamic world. at, /view/10.1093/acref/9780195305 135.001.0001/acref-97801953051 35.. It is an excellent but it costs $199 a year.
Princeton University. comp/scholars.html. It has all Muslim scholars of the Golden age of Islam in one place.
Fordham University. internet Islamic history source book at;
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy at; /omar-khayyam. Ibn Sina, Ibn Arabi , Al Kindi and others are there.
M.I T. .html. Shaikh Sadi and some others are there.
Articles - On Spain. Science the Islamic Legacy
in April/May issue of Aramco world 1982 a good read at;
Oxford encyclopedia of Islamic world. at, /view/10.1093/acref/9780195305 135.001.0001/acref-97801953051 35.. It is an excellent but it costs $199 a year.
Princeton University. comp/scholars.html. It has all Muslim scholars of the Golden age of Islam in one place.
Fordham University. internet Islamic history source book at;
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy at; /omar-khayyam. Ibn Sina, Ibn Arabi , Al Kindi and others are there.
M.I T. .html. Shaikh Sadi and some others are there.
Articles - On Spain. Science the Islamic Legacy
in April/May issue of Aramco world 1982 a good read at;